61 matching canvas
Zego Business Model
Zego is a pioneering insurtech company based in London, UK. Founded in 2016, Zego's mission is to reinvent com...
Knotel Business Model
Knotel is an innovative global commercial real estate company that specializes in providing customized, flexib...
Bounce Luggage Storage Business Model
Bounce Luggage Storage is a pioneering platform that revolutionizes the travel experience by providing conveni...
Bluwalk Business Model
Bluwalk is a platform designed to connect individuals with job opportunities in the urban mobility sector. It ...
Swapfiets Business Model
Swapfiets is a pioneering Dutch company that offers a unique bicycle subscription service. Founded in 2014 by ...
italki Business Model
italki is a global language learning community that connects students and teachers for 1-on-1 online language ...