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April 28, 2020, vizologi


I have the impression that we have just entered wholly into what we could call the third disruptive wave or the third technological change, or maybe it’s the fourth or the sixth, I don’t know, it depends on who you ask, in this article, I reason why this sensation based on own experimentation.

If we understand that the first significant change in the Internet culminated in what we call it, the .com bubble of 2000, in which the robust part of the protocol and communications, infrastructure, the first applications, and of course, the perfect storm between new companies and individuals who thought that the Internet would be over in 10 years and exploded around the beginning of the century.

We would understand the second wave, as the multilateral platform models that have swept the last decade, here I would highlight the unicorns of Uber or Airbnb; The transition from product to service on demand, with Netflix as the maximum exponent, the explosion of social networks such as facebook, and the culmination of the decade with the developments and processing of big data, making the data, in the call, the new gold.

The third phase, we could call it the cognitive period, behind the data phase, comes the training phase, through the Internet the data has always traveled, but now it will acquire a new meaning towards a cognitive application layer, where the data trained with machine learning converges, which will derive towards different types of Artificial Intelligence, among them the generative one.

Those of you who know me and follow this blog, know that I am dedicated to a business project called Vizologi, an online application designed to create business models through the innovation method called mash-up.

I want to tell you about the creative process I developed in what was the initial idea of the project back in the summer of 2016. On the one hand, I was inspired by an Autodesk video, which presented the first traces of what they call generative design.

More or less at the same time, I don’t know how I got to the first short film in the world generated with Artificial Intelligence, it was called Sunspring, and its script had been generated by an artificial assistant called Benjamin, I was literally knocked out by this video, being quite rare the experience, I thought that this capacity of the generative AI I had just seen, had a tremendous disruptive potential.

I researched quite a bit about how creative processes are generated in humans, in which creativity is a combinatorial mechanism in which we put together disparate pieces that belong to a puzzle yet to be created.

With the inspiration of those two videos, I prepared the cocktail shaker and combined what I like the most, the business strategy, together with innovation, technology, creativity, and business modeling, until I came to a single concept, vizology (with a Greek i at the end at that time, summer 2016), would be the first Artificial Intelligence in the world to create generative business model canvas.

In the future, there will be thousands of market niches in the territory of the generative AI. Still, in my case, I wanted to aim at a market in a closed environment, I thought about all the types of documents that I had generated in my life, and I came to the conclusion that since we start to create this AI, we would have to give it a good sense, the business model canvas template, represents in itself a world pattern, to generate what? Simply, INNOVATION in its pure state, that is what I wanted to produce, here all the steps of vizologi are pointed out.

Last January, during the first annual committee with my partner, I insisted on the strategy of starting as soon as possible the planned developments in generative AI, I asked several times, that today in 2020, we were already late, and that with the highest possible haste, we had to find the capital to start the generative AI developments that our company needs.

Far from 2016, today we are one step closer to achieve it, I insist the race has just begun, and the companies that decided to take that kind of high risks in innovation, we must overcome many adversities before touching the prize, this is a long-distance race, you can never pose as a sprint.

I have always explained to my friends that the potential of Artificial Intelligence cannot be evaluated in terms of predictive capacity, that is to say, we come from the second wave, in which we have mostly seen implementations within a predictive business environment that can help in the company’s decision making.

Looking at this value as the differential, I reiterate that the value is not in the predictive if it is not the generative capacity of AI, this is disruptive, the other is a branch of mathematical statistics.

Think about all the technologies that have surrounded you since the last 20 years, and you will find a unique pattern, all of them require human intervention to be able to create something, they are passive technologies, that offer you the functionality to be able to be more productive in your work, they are technologies that help, but they do not self-generate anything by themselves.

AI is the first technology that has generative capabilities, and this concept changes everything, at a productive level, at an economic level, at a social level, this is the functionality that changes everything.

I will explain a brief real example that has happened in my company this week so that we understand the brutal impact that this technology is going to have on everyone’s life for the next decade.

We are preparing a third version of our website, in which a new explanatory video is being prepared. A discussion arose about how to record the voiceover of the video, and several options appeared:

Option 1: 1st Generation Company. Non-scalable ad hoc services. The traditional way, you go to the Marketing Agency (No. 3625164316843513654) and contract this service, with a forecast of 10 days and an approximate cost of 180 euros.

Option 2: 2nd Generation Company Multilateral platform that unites clients with experts in digital services. You access the Fiveer platform, and with two clicks, you get an excellent marketplace with the best online professionals with native English; in fact, we even made the selection of the professional we wanted to record the audio. The estimated time of delivery would be two days, and the cost approximately $36.

Option 3: 3rd Generation Company Generative Artificial Intelligence. We explored new solutions, it was thought that there should already be a generative AI company with which we could record that audio, ‘et voilà !’ we arrived at the Wellsaid startup, the first platform on the Internet that allows you to generate audio tracks through written text, with more than 50 different narrator profiles. Cost 0, within a free trial, running time … did not reach half an hour.

Dear readers, option 3 changes everything, and we are not talking about science fiction, we are talking about a normal and common task done in the first week of March 2020, think about the hundreds and hundreds of tasks that surround you in your day to day, it can be recording an audio piece for a video, create a report, perform an analysis, answer an email, make a plan or design a logo.

By spinning thin we could divide all our productive tasks into two groups, the “paperwork” tasks (as I call it in my day to day) those that are repetitive or automatable, those tasks of writing, editing, producing, cutting, pasting, exporting, attaching, etc, and the more intellectual or transcendental tasks, where human creativity or that instinct that characterizes us brings a unique and differential value.

The problem comes from the fact that in this bypass between the industrial and digital revolution, there must be a very high percentage of the population dedicated to the so-called “paperwork” tasks; we come from an industrial system in which we have converted humans into automatons, and in which a small group of humans is going to substitute with software the other large part of humans who earn their wages by carrying out this type of task.

It is inevitable, don’t believe that vague discourse about this already happened with other technologies and in other times, and in the end new professions were always created, and new wealth.

NO, friends, there is a part of AI, which at a certain point is augmentative, that amplifies the abilities of the human, and there is another enormous part that is totally substitutive, both will generate great wealth and prosperity in the long term, but in the short term, they replace in an extraordinarily efficient manner the work that was previously done by a human.

And in this decade of productive economic adjustment. Unprecedented oceans of unemployment will be created, whether you are a merchant port worker, a customer service agent, a secretary, a document examiner, a video editor, any profession, in virtually any sector will be impacted.

In the next decade, our understanding of what work means will change dramatically when we are faced with such abrupt changes in less than 10 years, the concept of the purpose of your work will take on tremendous weight.

This is no longer about getting a good job that will generate my little salary at the end of the month and getting the security I need, this is about what my mission in the world is, what the purpose of my work is, in what area I can bring unique and differential value.

Let’s reflect for a second on the real example I mentioned in the article, in this real scenario, the marketing agency or first-generation company, directly or not play the game, disappears from the map, their ad hoc services, let’s say “traditional”, are replaced by online software.

The workforce of offshored freelancers currently working on the Fiveer platform (which seemed to be the trend of the century) also disappears from the equation, forcing this second-generation platform to rethink its product from end to end so as not to disappear, in which each of those micro-tasks offered through intermediaries will be elaborated by application-specific generative AI.

However, for the third generation startup, Wellsaid, it may take 3 or 4 hard years to assimilate and popularize the adoption of this type of services by the market, after that period “the valley”, the future is yours.

We are talking about the adoption of changes that in many cases do not exceed a decade, or even five years if you hurry, along with Wellsaid will emerge hundreds of thousands of micro-enterprises that directly or indirectly will cover, hundreds of thousands of micro-task niches.

And your company, which generation does it belong to?

Vizologi is a revolutionary AI-generated business strategy tool that offers its users access to advanced features to create and refine start-up ideas quickly.
It generates limitless business ideas, gains insights on markets and competitors, and automates business plan creation.


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