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January 23, 2025, vizologi

Ultimate Guide: How to Start An Online Tutoring Business In 2025

The market of tutoring services is constantly growing. According to Globe News Wire, market is riding the wave of proliferation, reaching $157 billion by 2034 from $64.4 billion in 2024. The number of teachers looking for additional income is also growing. However, starting their activity in tutoring, all teachers face the same questions: where to look for students, how to advertise their services, how to focus on the price of services. We have gathered tips for those who want to become tutors online.

How much time do you devote to tutoring?

This is the first question you should ask yourself before starting an online tutoring career. Analyze your work schedule and find windows you can fill with online tutoring. It might be two to three times a week.

If you will be looking for students on your own, be sure to allocate time for organizational aspects: talking to parents, trial lessons, checking additional homework and so on.

What price of services to choose?

The next question to answer is: how much will your lesson cost? To understand this, you need to analyze your competitors. First, list your advantages: education, experience, age of children with whom you want to work, specialization, for example, preparation for STEM, or help with homework.

Then, find tutor ads that are similar to your profile. Analyze their prices and get a benchmark. If you don’t have enough experience in online classes, you can lower the price slightly, but be sure to indicate this in the ad.

Where to look for your first students?

Many platforms can help you find students for online tutoring:

  • Online classifieds platforms. Try posting an ad for your services on classified platforms. Sites like Craigslist and OLX  are very popular among tutors of various subjects. Some platforms specialize in specific subjects. On Brighterly, only math teachers offer their services. The advantage of Brighterly math classes is in the individual approach to each tutor and help with organizational issues. Each Brighterly tutor chooses the days and hours for lessons. The managers will suggest those students with whom it is convenient to study on your schedule.
  • Social media. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram allow you to create your own profiles or pages to spread the word about your services. Join groups and communities looking for tutors, or create useful content and grab users’ attention. Social networks also allow you to launch social media advertising campaigns, but you’ll have to invest in this and understand the basics of SMM marketing.
  • Friends and acquaintances. Ask your friends, family, or previous students to leave you recommendations or testimonials that you can use for advertising. Also, ask around to ask people you know if any of them need your services. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of word of mouth, sometimes it works very well.

You can try all these options and then decide on the most effective one for you.

How to organize online classes?

Many online services will make your online tutoring job easier. Here are a few of them that are worth paying attention to:

  • Video Conferencing. Zoom allows you to video conference with one or a group of students. It has many valuable features, such as screen broadcasting and conversation recording. Google Meet is another popular video conferencing platform that can also be used for online tutorials.
  • Collaboration. Microsoft Whiteboards allow you to create virtual whiteboards to draw, write, and collaboratively edit information. Google Docs can be used to create and edit documents during lessons collaboratively.
  • Other services. Google Classroom is designed to manage student information, assignments, and grades. Google Drive and Dropbox allow the storage and sharing of documents. Turnitin and Grammarly are excellent if you need to check papers for plagiarism or grammatical errors. Kahoot! and Quizizz will enable you to create game quizzes to test your students’ knowledge.

We are sure these tools will make your learning process more enjoyable.

What mistakes should be avoided?

Beginning tutors can make various mistakes, but it’s a normal part of learning and developing in this role. Here are some common mistakes that novice tutors can make and how to avoid them:

  • Insufficient preparation. Insufficient preparation for lessons can affect the quality of teaching. How to avoid it? Prepare thoroughly before each lesson, familiarizing yourself with the topic and the materials you plan to use.
  • Monotonous or non-interactive lessons can scatter a student’s attention. To avoid this, use a variety of methods, interactive exercises, and hands-on activities to keep students interested.
  • Unadapted teaching methods. Using the same teaching method for all students may not be effective. How to avoid this? Adapt your methods to each student’s needs and style. Listen to their questions and feedback (feedback).

Avoid all these mistakes, and your students will be more satisfied with your lessons!


The rise of remote learning, advancements in digital tools, and a growing demand for personalized education make this the perfect time to enter the market. Remember to focus on quality, engage with your audience, and adapt to industry trends to stay ahead. The key is to remain committed to your vision and continuously refine your approach.

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