Local Search
6 matching canvas
Foursquare Business Model
Foursquare is a pioneering location technology company that leverages the power of geolocation data to build i...
Yelp Business Model
Yelp Inc. is a prominent online platform designed to help people discover and connect with local businesses wo...
JustDial Business Model
JustDial is a leading local search engine and business directory platform in India, providing users with a com...
Just Dial Business Model
Just Dial Limited provides search and related services in India. The company provides its services through Int...
Citysearch Business Model
Citysearch, established in 1995, is an online city guide that helps users explore and discover local businesse...
Dianping Business Model
Dianping, founded in 2003 and now part of Meituan-Dianping, is a prominent Chinese online platform that provid...