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Why Weilong Foods's Business Model is so successful?

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Weilong Foods’s Company Overview

Weilong Foods is a leading food manufacturing company based in China, known for its high-quality products that cater to a variety of consumer tastes and preferences. Founded in 1999, the company specializes in producing a wide range of food items, including spicy gluten, dried tofu, and a variety of snacks. Weilong Foods has made its mark in the food industry through its commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. The company has an extensive distribution network that spans across China and extends to international markets, ensuring that its products are accessible to a broad consumer base. Weilong Foods operates a business model that focuses on the manufacturing and distribution of food products. The company invests heavily in research and development to continuously innovate and improve its product line. It has a robust supply chain management system that ensures the efficient sourcing of raw materials and the timely delivery of products to various distribution points. Weilong Foods also places a strong emphasis on marketing and branding to enhance its visibility and attractiveness to consumers. The revenue model of Weilong Foods is primarily based on the sales of its diverse range of food products. The company generates a significant portion of its revenue from the domestic market, but it also has a growing international presence that contributes to its earnings. In addition to direct sales, Weilong Foods also earns revenue through partnerships with distributors and retailers, both within China and internationally. The company continually seeks to expand its market reach and diversify its product portfolio to boost its revenue streams and ensure sustainable growth.

Country: Sichuan

Foundations date: 1989

Type: Private

Sector: Consumer Goods

Categories: Food & Beverages

Weilong Foods’s Customer Needs

Social impact:

Life changing: heirloom, affiliation/belonging

Emotional: nostalgia, design/aesthetics, wellness, fun/entertainment, attractiveness

Functional: quality, variety, sensory appeal

Weilong Foods’s Related Competitors

Weilong Foods’s Business Operations


Agribusiness is the manufacturing of agricultural products. Agrichemicals, breeding, crop production (and contract farming), distribution, farm equipment, processing, seed supply, and marketing and retail sales. Thus, the agribusiness system includes all food and fiber value chain agents and the institutions that affect it. The term agribusiness is simply a combination of agriculture and business within the agricultural sector, alluding to the wide variety of activities and disciplines that contemporary food production encompasses.

Customer loyalty:

Customer loyalty is a very successful business strategy. It entails giving consumers value that extends beyond the product or service itself. It is often provided through incentive-based programs such as member discounts, coupons, birthday discounts, and points. Today, most businesses have some kind of incentive-based programs, such as American Airlines, which rewards customers with points for each trip they take with them.


Electronic commerce, or e-commerce (alternatively spelled eCommerce), is a business model, or a subset of a larger business model, that allows a company or person to do business via an electronic network, usually the internet. As a result, customers gain from increased accessibility and convenience, while the business benefits from integrating sales and distribution with other internal operations. Electronic commerce is prevalent throughout all four main market segments: business to business, business to consumer, consumer to consumer, and consumer to business. Ecommerce may be used to sell almost any goods or service, from books and music to financial services and airline tickets.

From push to pull:

In business, a push-pull system refers to the flow of a product or information between two parties. Customers pull the products or information they need on markets, while offerers or suppliers push them toward them. In logistics and supply chains, stages often operate in both push and pull modes. For example, push production is forecasted demand, while pull production is actual or consumer demand. The push-pull border or decoupling point is the contact between these phases. Wal-Mart is a case of a company that employs a push vs. a pull approach.

Ingredient branding:

Ingredient branding is a kind of marketing in which a component or ingredient of a product or service is elevated to prominence and given its own identity. It is the process of developing a brand for an element or component of a product in order to communicate the ingredient's superior quality or performance. For example, everybody is aware of the now-famous Intel Inside and its subsequent success.

Low cost:

A pricing strategy in which a business provides a low price in order to drive demand and increase market share. Additionally referred to as a low-price approach. The low-cost model has sparked a revolution in the airline industry. The end-user benefits from low-cost tickets as a result of a revenue strategy that seeks various sources of income. Ryanair was one of the first businesses to embrace this approach.

Make and distribute:

In this arrangement, the producer creates the product and distributes it to distributors, who oversee the goods' ongoing management in the market.

Supply chain:

A supply chain is a network of companies, people, activities, data, and resources that facilitate the movement of goods and services from supplier to consumer. The supply chain processes natural resources, raw materials, and components into a completed product supplied to the ultimate consumer. In addition, used goods may re-enter the distribution network at any point where residual value is recyclable in advanced supply chain systems. Thus, value chains are connected through supply chains.

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