31 matching canvas
Freckle Business Model
Freckle, accessible via www.letsfreckle.com, is an innovative time-tracking solution designed to optimize prod...
Japan Post Holdings Business Model
Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd., a prominent name in Japan's corporate landscape, stands as a testament to seaml...
MailChimp Business Model
MailChimp is a leading marketing automation platform and email marketing service provider that has evolved sig...
HubSpot Business Model
HubSpot is a pioneering leader in the realm of inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. Founded with th...
Mindbody Business Model
Mindbody is a pioneering company in the wellness industry, offering a sophisticated cloud-based business manag...
Zeta Global Business Model
Zeta Global, founded in 2007 by David A. Steinberg and John Sculley, is a data-driven marketing technology com...