102 matching canvas
Zubie Business Model
Zubie is a pioneering technology company dedicated to transforming the driving experience through advanced con...
Freckle Business Model
Freckle, accessible via www.letsfreckle.com, is an innovative time-tracking solution designed to optimize prod...
Easy Taxi Business Model
Easy Taxi is a pioneering mobile application in the transportation industry, designed to provide fast, conveni...
ConocoPhillips Business Model
ConocoPhillips, a leading global exploration and production (E&P) company, is dedicated to responsibly and sus...
Lukoil Business Model
Lukoil, headquartered in Moscow, is a globally recognized leader in the oil and gas industry. As one of the la...
PKN ORLEN Group Business Model
PKN ORLEN Group is a leading integrated oil and gas company based in Poland, renowned for its comprehensive op...