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Remote Workers
2 matching canvas
Breather Business Model
Breather, founded in 2012 by Julien Smith and Caterina Rizzi, is a flexible workspace provider that focuses on...
Spacemeetingofficeworkspaceworkplaceworkplaceroomsroomoffice spaceoffice space for rentoffice space for leaseoffice space rentaloffice rentalshort term office rentalshort term office spacetemporary office spacetemporary office rentalmeeting spacemeeting roommeeting space rentalconference roomconference spaceconference space rentalevent spaceevent space rentalpop-up shoppop-up storepop-up retailretail spaceretail space rentalstudio spacestudio space rentalphotoshoot spacephotoshoot space rentalfilm locationfilm location rentalteam buildingteam building rentaloffice space for entrepreneursoffice space for startupsoffice space for small businessesoffice space for freelancersoffice space for consultantsoffice space for professionalsoffice space for corporateoffice space for remote workersoffice space for remote teamsoffice space for remote companiesoffice space for remote employeesoffice space for remote startupsoffice space for remote entrepreneursoffice space for remote consultantsoffice space for remote professionalsoffice space for remote small businessesoffice space for remote freelancersoffice space for remote corporateoffice space for remote teamsoffice space for remote companies
Soy Henry Business Model
Soy Henry is an innovative and forward-thinking tech education company based in Latin America. The company is ...
programmingcodingonline coursesonline learningweb developmentcoding bootcamphackathonsprogramming languageseducational platformtalent acquisitionhuman resourceslegal compliancetechnological equipmentbenefits servicesstaff augmentationrockstar developersdata scientistsremote workersinternship programdigital talentlatin america
Vizologi is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective business model intelligence to help answer strategic questions, it combines the simplicity of business model canvas with the innovation power of mash-up method.