308 matching canvas
Layar Business Model
Layar is a pioneering company in the field of augmented reality (AR) that continues to innovate and push the b...
Movidius Business Model
Movidius is a pioneering vision processor company specializing in the design of compact, high-performance, ult...
Boeing Business Model
The Boeing Company, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, is a pioneering American multinational corporation tha...
Daimler AG Business Model
Daimler AG, headquartered in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is a leading multinational automotive cor...
Hyundai Motor Business Model
Hyundai Motor Company, headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, is a globally recognized leader in the automotive ...
BMWi Business Model
BMW i Ventures, a forward-thinking venture capital firm initiated by the BMW Group, focuses on fostering innov...